Sunday, September 25, 2011

Introduction: Taz

I'm a new blogger. What do I write about? According to a long-lost classmate, I make her laugh. I certainly hope that is a good thing. Now that I'm on the spot, let's hope that continues. I am a wife and mother. I like to refer to my husband as Taz. He has the odd ability to whiz around the house after work and straighten it just like the Tasmanian Devil. Only sometimes I realize that it is an odd problem.

When we were first married, I laid out my clothing on the bed and hopped in the shower. I had my hair wrapped up in a towel, my robe on and opened the door to the bedroom.

Me: Where are my clothes?
Taz: Oh, I straightened up.
Me: So where are my clothes?
Taz: Where they go.
Me: And where is that?
Taz: What are you looking for?
Me: The clothes that I laid out on the bed before I jumped into the shower.
Taz: Oh, I put them away in your dresser.

Thank you Mr. Helpful. I got the clothing out once again and got dressed. I went to school and he went to work. The next day was Saturday and I planned to sleep in. Taz was whizzing around the house. Must have been a caffiene drip or something. I felt some odd tugging and tucking. When I woke up, I realized that Taz made the bed with me in it! I got into the shower, but brought my clothes with me in the bathroom this time. When I came back, the bed was made and he was vacuuming.

From this, I have a few pearls of "wisdom."

Whoever picks up the first robe, sock or item out of place, will be the one to do this for the duration of the marriage.

It is not necessary to clean a hotel room before you leave or fold dirty towels. Really. Put that down.

It is okay if the kids take toys out to play with them. Really Taz. Relax.


  1. FINALLY! You have no idea how hard I've been trying to get my blogger account working. Halleluiah!

    Welcome to blogging Bronte Girl! :-)

  2. Thanks, Lady Modesty. It was quite a trick to figure out how to comment on my own posts!
